Laughter Yoga Workshop Options

When you book a Laughter Yoga workshop for your business, workplace, school or organisation, Laughter Yoga Australia delivers a unique tailored experience.

There is no ‘standard’ workshop. We deliver what will meet client needs.

Want to focus on stress-busting? Can do.

Feel your team needs to get closer to achieve some slam-dunking goals. Let’s make it happen through Laughter Yoga.

Laughter Yoga presentations range from conference ice-breakers of just 15 minutes to keynote speeches (where laughter prevails), as well as breakout workshops.

Workshops range from 1 to 3 hours.

Laughter Yoga Australia also runs 1 or 2 day retreats that incorporate other modalities such as yoga, tai chi, meditation and mindfulness.

Workshop sizes

We can deliver from 1 on 1 sessions to workshops with 50 or more.

Workshop topics

Our current offerings include:

  • stress management
  • resilience building
  • team building
  • holistic health
  • work-life balance
  • mindfulness.

A very popular new addition focuses on men’s health.

Who should attend

Laughter Yoga Australia works with Executives at all levels, teams, HR managers looking for professional development options, and workplace wellbeing managers and committees.

Why Laughter Yoga

The benefits of Laughter Yoga are many.

From a medical perspective, laughter:

  • boosts your immune system
  • regulates blood pressure
  • increases oxygen to the brain and body
  • regulates anxiety and depression
  • minimises pain.

For individuals, Laughter Yoga positively influences:

  • emotional health
  • physical health
  • mental health
  • spiritual wellbeing
  • social wellbeing.

For businesses, Laughter Yoga improves:

  • morale
  • attitude
  • productivity
  • purpose
  • relationships.